Dr Kim Booysen
Aesthetic Treatments
For when you are already beautiful...
but just need a little tweaking

Treatment options for melanoma and acne: Obagi Nu Derm
Obagi Nu Derm is one of the most recognised skincare brands in the world for skin conditions such as acne and melanoma.
Book a consultation with Dr Kim Booysen to see if the Obagi range is good for you.
How does Obagi Nu-Derm Work?
The Obagi Nu-Derm System is just that. A system that gives you new skin. It is a series of creams used in the morning and evening with very active ingredients that will transform your skin.
What conditions can be treated with Obagi?
Conditions such as hyperpigmentation, acne and acne scarring can be minimised with this treatment. This treatment does require time and dedication. If you are committed you can see a change in your skin in 3-4 months.
Do I need all the Obagi products?
There are 1 or 2 optional extras such as eye cream and vitamin C serum but if yo don't use the entire regime the results you will achieve will not be as good as they could possibly be.
What does it cost?
Book an appointment with Dr Kim as it is difficult to say whether Obagi will work for you without seeing your skin in person.

I've used everything on the High Street but nothing works! Why are your creams different.
Dr Kim only sells medical grade skin care such as Obagi and ZO Skin Health, that are scientifically designed to produce results.
I'm using injectables will skincare really be necessary?
You can minimise your wrinkles and lift some lines with injectables but without a lovely complexion you may never achieve the results you truly want.
I have bad pigmentation but peels and creams haven't worked, can Obagi help?
Obagi Nu-Derm and ZO Skin Health are designed to help pigmentation and can have amazing results, but it does require an investment.
If you are ready to commit to better looking skin, call Dr Kim today.