Dr Kim Booysen
Aesthetic Treatments
For when you are already beautiful...
but just need a little tweaking

Are your hands giving away your age? Hand fillers can help slow time.
Book today for an exclusive Harley Street
hand treatment with Dr Kim in the Beckenham clinic.
Treatment options:
Volumisation with Radiesse
Volumisation with Profhilo
Sunspot removal with chemical peels and skin care
Microneedling of hands
Specialised Skincare
Email now for treatment package information.
Hand Rejuvenation Treatment Options
Hands are often the neglected part of our appearance but can give away our age.
But ageing hands can be rectified! Hand rejuvenation is available in Beckenham and Bromley.
What can be done about ageing hands?
Can you see tendons and veins in the hands? - this is a volume loss issue and requires volume replacement with fillers.
Is there excess tissue over the hands? - the issue is skin laxity and requires tightening by improving the collagen, either through microneedling or with Profhilo.
The fillers that can be used are plain volumisers or fillers than will increase collagen and add volume at the same time. Profhilo is a bioremodeling agent that can tighten aged hand skin and improve laxity.
if you have age spots then I recommend a deep chemical peel followed by skincare to fade out the sunspots.
Radiesse Hand Volumisation

What are the risks and side effects?
Side effects including bleeding, bruising, pain, swelling and redness.
Some lumps may be felt in the hand ofter treatment and these usually settle within a few days.
Will I need repeat treatments?
Fillers last for about a year depending on the amount and area injected. Radiesse fillers do stimulate new collagen formation so less treatments will be needed over time. Profhilo lasts for about 6 months and will require treatments again.

Who can’t have hand rejuvenation?
People with previous reactions to fillers, those with keloid scarring and certain medical conditions such as auto-immune disease may not be suitable. Those with allergies to peels will also not be able to receive a hand peel. I will assess you fully during the consultation and we will discuss any contraindications and concerns. Treating ageing hands can be easy and comfortable.
What does hand rejuvenation cost?
Each individual is different and if you would like an accurate price please consult with Dr Booysen. Fillers in the hands start from £450 and Profhilo to treat aged hands costs £600 for 2 sessions. Deep chemical peels start from £150.
What should I do after treatment?
In the first 24 hours following treatment, extensive sun or heat exposure and alcoholic beverages may cause a temporary increase in redness, bruising or swelling at the injection sites. If there is swelling or redness after the injections, you should limit exposure to sunlight. If sun exposure is unavoidable, use a sun block with an SPF of 25 or greater. You should avoid strenuous exercise for 48 hours, to prevent increasing blood flow to the hands.
Hand rejuvenation for ageing hands is performed by Dr Kim Booysen in the Beckenham, Bromley clinic. Contact Dr Kim today to discuss your concerns and see what can help to improve the appearance of your hands.

Microneedling to the hands
Profhilo to the hands