Dr Kim Booysen
Aesthetic Treatments
For when you are already beautiful...
but just need a little tweaking

Interested in Dermal fillers In Beckenham or Bromley?
Dr Kim Booysen is known for her subtle, natural results and strives to keep you looking your best without looking odd. Dr Booysen also aims to retain the way you look but simply improve those areas that are troubling you.
Dermal fillers can be used to treat multiple facial areas. Read more about the areas below.
Dr Kim Booysen offers dermal fillers in Beckenham and dermal fillers in Bromley.
Dermal Fillers Information
What are dermal fillers made of?
Most dermal filler injections are made from Hyaluronic Acid which is in your skin naturally. In your skin the hyaluronic acid lasts about 3 days as it's a liquid. Dermal filler hyaluronic Acid is strengthened in the lab to make it into a gel that can last longer and lift areas of the face.
Are all dermal fillers the same?
Not all fillers are the same. Good quality fillers give the best results and have less side effects. The highest standard rating a filler can have is FDA approval. This can make the fillers a bit more expensive but worth the investment. FDA approval requires clinical trials to prove the fillers last and don't have excessive side effects.
Cheap fillers are available to buy online and via the black market. What these fillers are and how they react in your skin is unknown. Pick high quality fillers as these are safer, give better results and last longer.
Dr Kim Booysen only used FDA approved Belotero fillers in her Beckenham and Bromley Clinics.
Who can’t be treated with dermal fillers?
previous reactions to facial filler treatments
allergies to Hyaluronic Acid
keloid scarring
certain medical conditions
pregnant and breast feeding
I will assess you fully during the consultation and we will discuss any contraindications and concerns.
Will I need repeat treatments?
As with most treatments maintenance is required to retain the look you have achieved as the filler breaks down over time. The good news is that less filler is often needed with repeat treatmtents. Injectable dermal fillers last for 6 months to a year. Dr Booysen used ultrasound in her clinic to track your fillers and give you a better idea of when they need to be replenished.
Are dermal fillers painful?
Cosmetic injections can be uncomfortable, but dermal filler injections contain local anaesthetic that numb the area. Local anaesthetic can be applied to the skin to minimise any pain. Speak to Dr Booysen if you are concerned.
What areas can be treated with dermal fillers?
Cheeks, mid face, lips, jawline, temples, under eye hollows (tear trough), marionette lines, nasolabial lines and any areas of volume or structure loss.
What should I do after treatment?
avoid extensive sun, exercise, heat exposure and alcohol.
use a sunscreen with an SPF of 25 or greater.
avoid excessive touching or massaging the treated areas.
make-up may and creams omitted for several hours.
You will receive aftercare advice after treatment.
What happens after a treatment?
Most patients have some redness or bruising after cosmetic injections. This quickly settles a day or 2 after your facial filler treatment. Most people can work after treatment. Lips however will be swollen after dermal filler injections. Lips may require a bit longer to settle and the swelling is often worse on the first treatment and less so after subsequent treatments.

What are the risks and side effects?
Every procedure involves a certain amount of risk, and it is important that you understand the risks of cosmetic injections. Although the majority of patients do not experience complications, I will discuss each of them with you, to make sure you understand the risks, potential complications and consequences of dermal fillers.
What are the most common side effects after dermal fillers?
pain, tenderness, bruising and swelling.
some dermal filler injections produce lumps, which usually settle in 1-2 weeks.
allergic reactions to injectable dermal fillers are also rare but can occur.
What are the rare side effects of dermal fillers?
Although these side effects are rare, they can occur and therefore you should choose a trained professional who knows the anatomy of the body and who can treat the complications quickly if they occur. Rare conditions include scarring, tissue loss and blindness.
Dr Booysen carries all the equipment to treat any filler emergencies and has attended training with expert surgeons who specialise in complication management. She will discuss these complications when you have your consultation and will answer any questions you have.
Dr Booysen is one of only a few doctors in the UK to use ultrasound when performing filler treatments. This can help improve filler placement, minimise complications and improve safety.
What do dermal fillers near me cost?
This is treatment area dependant as some areas require more filler. In your consultation you will be given a cost for the desired treatment and then you can consider whether this is the treatment you would like.​
Will I be reviewed after a treatment?
I do offer a 2 week review to see how the filler has settled. This is to assess how the skin looks and feels, to look with the ultrasound if the filler has integrated into the tissues and to check the blood flow in the treated area.

My face has fallen flat, especially my cheeks. Can I lift these without looking odd?
Cheek volume disappears due to loss of supporting structures. Dr Kim can help replace this support and volume for natural looking results.
Learn more about Cheek Fillers
The lines around my lips make me look old!
Lines appear around the lips due to regular expression and lip movement. Dermal Fillers can be injected to support the lip lines, effectively air brushing them away.
My jaw is non existent, can anything be done to give me more definition?
Jaw contouring can be done with fillers to improve the profile. This will help support the lower face and cheeks.
My chin is so small and I have no jaw! I look very weird in selfies.
Dermal filler injection treatments can definitely give you a better profile so you are always camera ready.
On no I've inherited the family jowls! Can you help?
Dr Kim is well known for her amazing results with heavy set jowls. She can also help minimise the early signs. Call her today.
My hands make me look so old. They look like claws and I hide them in gloves.
Hand often give away your age. Dermal fillers can help add volume to hands and minimise the signs of ageing.
Dermal Fillers Beckenham
Dr Kim Booysen offers dermal fillers to the nasolabial folds, midface, cheeks, lower face, jawline and lips are available on Beckenham High Street. Beckenham High Street Clinic, 95 High Street, Beckenham, BR3 1AG is central located and offers a variety of fillers and an in-depth consultation.
Dermal Fillers Bromley
The full range of dermal fillers are available at the clinic in Bromley, 13 Ethelbert Road, Bromley, BR1 1JA. Please contact Dr Booysen for a full consultation if you are interested in dermal fillers in Bromley.