Noticing smoker’s lines forming around the mouth? Find out how to treat them!
What are they from? These lines form as the skin starts to thin and our collagen and elastin starts to deteriorate. Non-smokers get these...

Can a chemical peel fix my wrinkles? How you can save money by having a consultation.
I get a lot of telephonic enquiries about treatments. The conversation usually starts with can I please book in for x. When I ask have...

3 causes for uneven pigmentation (skin colour) and what to do about…
Noticed some uneven pigmentation as you age. There can be several reasons for this and as a result several ways of minimising the...

Why is sunscreen the best anti-ageing cream on the market?
Dr Kim Booysen explains why sunscreen needs to be number one in your skincare. Prevention As a doctor the first step in any treatment is...